DonationMake a monetary donation.
Sideline Sponsorship $300.00 Per Item *Company highlighted on program website
*Company logo displayed on Home team bench during home games
*Social media “Thank You” post on program’s page
First Down Sponsorship $500.00 Per Item *All applicable benefits listed under Sideline Sponsor
*Blue Devils baseball hat
*Recognition announcement during Richmond first downs (home games only)
Red Zone Sponsorship $1000.00 Per Item *All applicable benefits listed under Sideline and First Down packages
*Blue Devils T-shirt or hat (your choice)
*Recognition announcement when Richmond enters the 20-yard line and the goal line. (home games only)
*Company logo on primary program banner (hung within stadium)
*Sponsor Plaque
Field Goal Sponsorship $1500.00 Per Item *All applicable benefits under Sideline, First Down, and Red Zone packages
*Blue Devils Hoodie/Crewneck (replaces hat/shirt)
*Company logo displayed on goal post wrap
*Recognition announcement when Richmond makes a field goal (home games only)
*if multiple First Down Sponsors, in game announcements will rotate applicable sponsors.
Touchdown Sponsorship $2500.00 Per Item *All applicable benefits under Sideline, First Down, Red Zone, and Field Goal packages
*Blue Devil Jacket
*Premier placement of company logo on all program marketing materials
*Company logo displayed on goal post wrap
*Recognition announcement when Richmond makes a touchdown
50/50 Sponsor $300.00 Per Item Company logo displayed on 50/50 sales, and mentions during in-game announcements.
Player of the Week $300.00 Per Item Player highlight each week, nominated by a coach for displaying hard work, leadership, and dedication to the highest degree. This sponsor's logo will be displayed within announcements on social posts, and upon the website.
Concessions Sponsorship $300.00 Per Item Company logo displayed at concession stand during gamedays, and mentions during in-game announcements.